Leadership in Law Enforcement – What You Need Before You Lead is a call to realign ourselves and our professional with the foundational principles and understanding of leadership – not the position, but the action. This information should be introduced at the Basic Academy. Every law enforcement officer is a leader in the community. Yet we refuse to provide any leadership discussions. We say leadership is not positional, but then act as though it is.
Leadership in Law Enforcement – What You Need Before You Lead discusses and provides information on the aspects we have become unclear or misinformed about. Some of these aspects are: Who are we (our ethos), mission, agreement with the public, proper accountability, accurate language (to describe who we are, how we train, and our true goals), leadership responsibilities, and more.
This call to correctly realign ourselves with the foundations of leadership actions set the groundwork for the discussion(s) with our communities. Every one of the aspects in this book applies equally to law enforcement personnel and our communities. We must exemplify the standard every community member is held to. We, the law enforcement profession, must make the first step. Then and only then can we demand the same from everyone else. That book what our communities must do, come out in Winter 2022/23.
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